I’m a Mainstreet Mom!

Join the MMOB!

This upcoming US election is perhaps the most important one of my lifetime, and although I live in Canada, don’t think that US politics doesn’t have any effect up here. Up until now, I’ve been sort of pessimistic, but I’m realizing that the race is still pretty much undecided and that “swing” states will make the difference.

Inspired by Anne Lamott’s recent article in Salon, I’ve decided to throw my support behind Mainstreet Moms Oppose Bush, a grassroots organization that’s targetting undecided or undervoting single moms in swing states. This is a huge group whose lives will be directly affected by another four years of George W. Bush’s brand of politics. Although it would be difficult (and probably too late) for me to participate in their letter-writing campaign, I made a donation. I think I’ll be looking for other organizations like this to support in the crucial days ahead.

If you’re a mom (or a dad, or neither) opposed to Bush, take a look at what MMOB are up to. It’s inspiring.

UPDATE: Vote All Your Values is another worthy project. The Progressive Faith Movement is registering people to mobilize young, low-income, and minority voters on Election Day. ProjectVote is registering low-income and minority voters. Please support their efforts if you can.

Governing By The Seat Of Your Pants

NY Times Magazine: Without a Doubt

The scary way that George W. Bush governs by his “gut” or his “instinct” or especially, his “faith”. If you read to the end, you’ll be treated to a good quote from Jim Wallis, founder of the Sojourners faith community and magazine: “Real faith leads us to deeper reflection and not — not ever — to the thing we as humans so very much want. Easy certainty.” (via boingboing)

Voices In My Head

Does George Bush receive verbal promptings during debates and speeches from a tiny earpiece?

Some television viewers have heard another voice speaking Bush’s words before he says them. As well, some photos showing him from behind seem to indicate a squarish bulge that may be a battery pack. Though President Bush has been known to say he sometimes acts on “promptings from God”, I’m not sure if it’s a relief to know that it might just be promptings from his handlers. Creepy, nevertheless, if it turns out to be true. I’m getting an icky image of a hand up his backside and him as a perfect ventriloquist’s dummy. (via boingboing)

10/8/04 UPDATE: Salon has picked up the story.