Jogging Class

In a mild pre-emptive strike at my own corpulence, I’ve enrolled along with my lovely wife in a “Learn To Run” course with that great franchise of joggery, The Running Room. We begin our adventures in pavement pounding tonight, in the midst of an April snowstorm. And although Brooke, ever the cutting-edge observer of fitness etiquette, has warned me not to refer to our endeavour as “jogging,” I plan to refer to it just that way as much as possible, hopefully in an out-loud fashion. I’m fascinated to find out exactly what the “learning” will involve, frankly, other than substituting the word “running” for “jogging.”

P.S. Did I mention that Brooke has been running 5K several times a week for the past few weeks? The only thing she’ll be “learning” is how to slow down for me.